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How to Tell When It’s Time to Switch Your IT Support Provider

Are you happy with the IT support services provided by your current IT partner? Or do you feel that they could be more proactive and responsive, and offer solutions tailored to your business needs?

If you answered ‘No’ to the first question and ‘Yes’ to the second one, then it means that you’re not only dealing with substandard work but also putting your organisation at risk. This is because, when working on running a productive and successful business, it’s important to choose the right IT service provider.

Moreover, it is your IT strategy that underpins most of the elements of your business operations – right from how you plan your resources and handle customer enquiries to how you monitor the results.

This means, that if your IT support provider isn’t assisting you with your business objectives, they’re simply costing your business dearly.

In this blog, we will explore the risks of working with the wrong IT support services and some warning signs you need to watch out for.

Let’s get started!

Risks of Working With the Wrong IT Support Services

When it comes to your organisation, it’s not just big IT disasters that can take you off the driver’s seat!

Often, it’s the everyday niggles that cost you more – for instance, those extra minutes spent by your team working on common IT issues can add up to several lost hours over time, resulting in lowered profits.

Sure, it can be easy to deal with the expenses of lost efficiency but it can be more difficult to measure the hidden costs of security and employee risks.

This is where seeking assistance from an experienced and better IT support provider like Redpalm can come in handy. 

8 Signs You Need to Upgrade To Better IT Support 

Many businesses avoid switching IT support because they worry it might affect their current operations and result in an IT downtime.

However, shifting to a new IT partner makes more sense because they’ll not only offer uninterrupted services but also ensure their solutions are tailored to match your business needs.

If you’re still not sure about changing to a better IT support service, then we’ve put together some tell-tale signs to help you out!

Sign #1 – You’re Partnered With the Same Provider, But Your Business Has Changed

Think back to the time when you first partnered with your current IT service provider – what did your business look like back then? Was it the same or any different to the size and shape of your organisation today?

This is an important point that you need to take into consideration because many companies go with a local IT firm when looking for one for the first time.

Sure, they might have helped you well when your business was smaller in size and the technological requirements were simpler. However, if your organisation has integrated new operations or has grown to become more reliant on technology, then it may be time you switch to better IT support.

At Redpalm, having worked in the field for quite some years, our IT specialists are adept with the changing security trends and can easily assist you with your needs.

Sign #2 – The Response Time Has Reduced

If you’ve been working with the same IT solutions provider for many years, then it’s time that you check your original SLAs (service level agreements).

It’s quite possible that your IT partner has become complacent and started slipping on those initial promises. Or maybe, the SLA that you agreed on at the very beginning is no longer appropriate for the current business needs.

Here, by partnering with a professional company like Redpalm, you can rest assured that all your business requirements are being met and that the solutions being offered are in line with what your organisation currently needs.

Sign #3 – Your IT Partner Isn’t Proactive

There are a few IT service companies that only offer reactive solutions to IT issues and some might not even take the necessary steps until asked for.

Having said that, a professional managed IT support provider like Redpalm won’t just be there when things go south. Instead, our team of IT experts will ensure that you’re being delivered proactive solutions to enhance and expand your business.

Our IT team will work closely with your organisation and help you create an ever-evolving and robust IT strategy. We’ll also ensure that our team is proactively responding to technological changes and implementing the best IT practices.

Why not give us a call or drop us a line at

Sign #4 – The Abilities Of Your Provider Don’t Seem to Be Up to the Mark

When talking to your IT support, do you feel reassured that they’ll resolve the issues? Do you think they’ll proactively help improve your business?

If you aren’t feeling confident with the IT solutions offered by your partner on a daily basis, then chances are they won’t live up to your mark when facing a disaster recovery situation. Moreover, if you aren’t receiving helpful answers for regular issues, then it’s time to make the switch!

By seeking assistance from an experienced firm like Redpalm, you can rest assured your IT systems are being monitored 24×7 and that your issues are resolved in a timely manner.

With the right IT support provider at your disposal, you can also confidently look after the core aspects of your business instead of worrying about IT issues.

Sign #5 – You Want to Change Things In Your Organisation

Are you planning to grow your business but something is preventing you from doing so?

In this case, it’s best to start by looking at your current IT policies. This is because a successful organisation is constantly evolving and embracing the latest technological trends to stay ahead of the curve!

Having the right IT partner by your side will help you achieve just that. If you feel your current IT support isn’t helping you reach your goals, it’s time to switch.

Sign #6 – Cyber Security Isn’t as Strong as It Could Be

In any type of business, robust cyber security should be a key consideration. Having effective cybersecurity measures in place ensures that your data is protected and minimises the risk of breaches or theft. 

When using IT support services, it’s good practice to ensure that they are using the latest technology and market-leading cybersecurity products to protect your sensitive information. 

Actively ask your MSP about what systems and processes they are utilising to keep your business safe. If you feel their cybersecurity measures are inadequate, actively challenge them or consider switching to more cybersecurity-intensive IT support services.

Sign #7 – You’re Suffering Recurring IT Issues

At times, we all face issues with printers, emails bouncing back or the internet going down. 

While IT issues are frustrating and inconvenient, they can be unavoidable. However, better IT support allows you to manage your organisation’s systems in a way that minimises the number of problems. 

While some things do fail from time to time when it comes to IT, experiencing the same issues repetitively is a cause for concern and suggests that your current MSP is not up to the task. 

Sign #8 – You Feel Deprioritised

As an MSP, your IT support may have other clients to serve, but this doesn’t mean that you have to be put on the back burner. 

If you feel that your managed IT support provider is prioritising other customers, or that you are not as important to them as you once were, it can be frustrating. Furthermore, if this behaviour continues, it can result in a strained relationship wherein your required IT support needs are not being met.

In this scenario, it is best to scope out your options and find better IT support options that value you as a customer. 

Contact Redpalm for Professional IT Support Services!

If you’ve been avoiding the process of switching to better IT support services, then it’s time that you stop and think about if your IT support needs are being adequately met. 

Switching your IT partner doesn’t have to be painful; rather it’s only going to help you improve your current IT processes while offering solutions that are in line with your business.

Ready to make the switch to a better IT support provider that prioritises your business?  We can help you with that.

Redpalm is an MSP that provides exceptional IT support and services to empower your business. From offering services like technology procurement to vulnerability assessments, incident response, IT audits and health checks, we’ve got your back!

To learn more about our services, click here or contact us to schedule an appointment today!