
Manage and Secure Your IoT With an MSP

28 July 2020

Make Managing and Securing the IoT Easier With an MSP

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing exponentially and trend data indicates it is here to stay with an astonishing 127 new devices coming online every second.
What’s more, it has been predicted that by 2027, the digital realm will have nearly 41bn IoT devices. Simply put, billions of “things” or devices will be linked together which will enable us to transfer exabytes (that’s 1 billion gigabytes) of data to one another as well as backend systems.
However, with the increasing popularity of IoT, device security and management is becoming ever more important and challenging than before.
In order to protect themselves, businesses utilising the IoT need to start implementing the right strategies to ensure the security of their IoT endpoints. 

Manage Your IoT Devices’ Security with an MSP

As the number of IoT devices is expected to keep growing, it is evident that the risk of such devices experiencing a cyber attack is only going to increase.
That being the case, it has become vital for organisations to have robust IT security in place to make managing and securing IoT solutions much easier. This is why partnering with a managed services provider (MSP) like ourselves is so crucial, as we work with you to develop and implement robust security strategies.
At Redpalm, we have put together our three top tips that will assist you in managing your IoT device security.
Let’s take a look!

Log Every New Endpoint That’s Added

The scope of the Internet of Things increases every time a new endpoint is added to your network. What’s more, this ends up increasing your IoT devices’ vulnerabilities and opens up the possibilities of a more disastrous cyber attack.
Although the adversarial landscape keeps evolving, it is imperative that you bring as many endpoint footprints as possible under your security management. That way, you can better protect your devices from a potential security threat.
If you lack the resources or expertise to bring your IoT cyber security in-house, why not partner with a professional managed IT services provider to make managing your IoT easy?
When you work with Redpalm as your MSP, you can rest assured that the security of your IoT devices are in safe hands!

Perform Vulnerability Tests on IoT Devices

With cyberattacks happening every day, businesses need to ensure that all their IoT devices – not to mention the IT environment they are hosted on- are designed and developed with robust security in mind.
At Redpalm we perform vulnerability assessments in order to pinpoint weaknesses in your IoT network, as well as providing tailored solutions to address them. The experts at Redpalm offer proactive network monitoring to identify potential cyber security threats ahead of time while offering a detailed analysis of the same to help prevent or minimise the risks.

Align IT Security and Operational Technology

For businesses to be successful in managing and securing their IoT network, they have to shift their focus towards the security of their data, devices, and networks. The best way to do this is to leverage Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solutions.
With our UEM solutions, you can integrate and automate all your devices and processes within a centralised database. That way, you will know who’s connected to your network at all times.

UEM Offers Support for Business-Critical IoT Devices

The speed at which the Internet of Things is expected to function and grow puts the IT infrastructure management team at the forefront of discovering ways to lower expenses and effectively handle threats on multiple endpoints. This is where UEM becomes key.
Unified Endpoint Management is an evolution of Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), which is currently used to centralise the management of user devices that operate on various Operating Systems (OS).
Devices functioning on different versions of Android, Windows, iOS or Linux are the primary contenders for centralised management.
Additionally, with the rise of contactless payment systems, hotel minibars and airline entertainment systems are just a few more examples of devices that operate on a modern OS and can largely benefit from centralised management.

Contact Redpalm for Unified Endpoint Management Solutions

Until recently, the majority of businesses have been managing their enterprise assets, mobiles, security, and applications via Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions.
However, IoT calls for an advanced approach to manage and secure new endpoints, emerging technologies, and IoT devices.
Unified Endpoint Management is the next-gen of mobility and device management for the IoT age. It is designed to manage and secure business applications, peripherals, IoT endpoints, content, and mobile devices.
At Redpalm, we offer our UEM solutions to clients embracing the upcoming Internet of Things technologies. If IoT is a part of your business’ future, our expert managed service providers are here to assist you and create a robust IoT plan for your organisation.
To find out more about our unified endpoint management solutions and how it can make securing IoT easier, contact our team today!
Alternatively, you can drop us an email at or call on 0333 006 3366.

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