
Scale Your Business Effortlessly with IT Service Management

15 December 2020

Our business environment today has become more dependent on its internal IT infrastructure to accomplish key business goals, services and functions. The amalgamation of all these factors has brought forward the need for robust IT service management as businesses can no longer deny its significance in their day to day operations. 
Managing your technological requirements has taken precedence over everything else to ensure timely service deliverables. So, before you officially step into the New Year, ensure that the planning, execution, control and optimisation of your IT systems and infrastructure is well-positioned to boost the scalability of your business. 
If you haven’t given a thought to your IT management and how it can either make or break your 2021, now is the time. At Redpalm, we have highlighted how IT service management paves the way for enhanced IT operations.
Let’s take a look!

Upgrade Your Business Efficiency

Having an efficient business process simply means leveraging the available resources at your disposal. Here, having comprehensive IT management and support will aid you in optimising your organisational resources. 
A key component here is IT asset management (ITAM). It consists of a set of processes that are used to upgrade the life cycle management of all your existing IT assets while looking for cost-efficient strategies to enable better asset disposition and procurement
With Redpalm as your official IT support partner, the ongoing efficiency of all your technical elements is assured, as we upgrade and optimise all the digital aspects of your organisation. This means you’ll be operating at peak efficiency in the New Year. 

Safe and Sound Implementation of IT Changes

With the arrival of 2021, perhaps it is time to review your processes and implement measures that could make your organisation more efficient. 
To minimise the chance of poor implementation of any changes, partnering with a professional managed service provider is important as they can ensure a risk-free implementation of the new changes to your IT environment. This avoids workflow disruptions and ensures that your data integrity remains unharmed and intact
At Redpalm, our IT consultants work with you to formalise all the roles, procedures, policies and processes to design a change management strategy that clearly communicates with all your employees, customers and clients. We then proceed to approve these IT changes through the appropriate channels while also testing them for discrepancies. 
In turn we can then identify issues with the new changes while in the design stage, before these could be deployed across your organisation. 

Refine and Optimise Accountability Through Standardisation

The most defining feature of IT service management is the standardisation of processes and tasks which in turn breeds accountability as well. With uniformity in your business processes, compliance with various technical policies and procedures becomes easier. 
One of the primary aspects of our IT management is to work with you to standardise your service deliverables by establishing a dedicated IT service desk for round-the-clock support. 
Our IT support suite empowers IT managers to keep a track on their operation along with a detailed account of how service requests are received, addressed and resolved. With such advanced features, you gain a high level of accessibility and insight in the inner workings of your organisation. 
We work with your internal IT team to review incident records and ensure that services are being delivered promptly across your business network. 

Enhance Accessibility and Internal Communication

With Redpalm’s IT service management, you gain access to insights and support from expert IT technicians which improves your internal communication.  Partnering with us will enable you to set up a dedicated IT service desk that assists you in bridging the gap between your business, including the various IT components and assets that are associated with your business network. 
We work with you to establish streamlined tech support processes along with proper incident management measures, so that you are all set for 2021. Our IT service desk secures every endpoint and user connected to your network, thereby keeping your IT environment safe from digital threats

Minimise Unnecessary Workload

In order to be more productive for the upcoming year, it’s important to do away with redundant tasks. To make your business more efficient than ever, automation of certain routine tasks is integral. You can eliminate monotonous manual effort and room for human error as you tidy up your workflow and close the loopholes that exist in your day to day operations. 
We have bespoke managed IT systems and software in place that can integrate automation in your organisation seamlessly. Our managed IT tools and solutions facilitate smooth transition between manual and automated activities. This means you have a reduced workload which frees up your time and resources for other business-critical tasks.

Contact Redpalm for End-to-End IT Service Management Solutions

You can optimise and fortify your IT environment with Redpalm’s extensive technical solutions. All our processes are compliant and up to date, meaning you benefit from improved and streamlined business processes. Our IT service desk is all you need to scale your business in the New Year!
Give us a call today to find out more about our free IT consultation!

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