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Remote Work Protection Against the Risk of Ransomware

The remote working model stands out as a significant benefit from the global pandemic, proving advantageous for both employees and employers. Providing employees with the flexibility to work from home and beyond conventional hours, it enables business owners to reduce operational costs such as rent, utilities, and maintenance tied to maintaining a physical office space.

Despite its advantages, this model exposes your business to many remote work cybersecurity challenges, one of which is ransomware attacks. In a remote working setup, employees often use personal computers and networks, lacking adequate security features and heightening the risk of ransomware attacks. The potential consequences of such an attack can be severe, impacting operations by withholding sensitive business data.

Redpalm specialises in providing cybersecurity services for businesses of all sizes, understanding the challenges posed by threats like ransomware. To solidify your remote work cybersecurity against ransomware risks, we have compiled four effective tips. These are proactive strategies to protect your business and prepare your remote workforce for handling cyber threats

Let’s get started!

1. Implement a Strong Password Policy and Multifactor Authentication

When attackers try to break into computer systems and spread harmful software that can lock up your files, they often go after passwords that are easy to guess. To mitigate this, your organisation needs to ensure every employee uses strong passwords. 

Additionally, consider adding another layer of security with multi-factor authentication. Acting as a double verification measure, this feature minimises the risk of a data breach. Common two-factor authentication starts with a passcode and is followed by a code that is sent to a registered phone number. 

Nowadays, many rules and industry laws recommend multi-factor authentication to keep your data safe. Strengthening password policies and implementing multi-factor authentication are necessary steps in enhancing remote work cybersecurity for your organisation.

2. Regularly Update the System and Software

Cyber attackers are constantly on the lookout for vulnerabilities in your systems and one of the most enticing gaps in your organisation is outdated systems and software. To ensure the latest security patches and features, it is essential to update them on a regular basis. 

Software developers often devise periodic updates to fix existing software issues and add new features to strengthen the defences. Therefore, when you keep your systems up-to-date, you eliminate the risk of weak points that cybercriminals can exploit. 

Make sure all your remote-working employees are following the same practice of regularly updating their devices and software and keep tabs on this to ensure it isn’t forgotten. These simple steps contribute significantly to the overall resilience of your organisation’s remote work cybersecurity.

3. Conduct Periodic Employee Training 

Human error is the most common cause of ransomware attacks as cybercriminals are always waiting for gaps created by human negligence or oversights. 

One common tactic that these fraudsters use to execute ransomware attacks is phishing emails. These emails are becoming more sophisticated day by day and imitate a real person to fool you into sharing sensitive data. These points reinforce the importance of conducting periodic employee training and lead to a reduction in prevalent remote work security risks.

This training is especially essential for those working from home without immediate IT help. Conducting training sessions to teach remote workers about spotting and handling different kinds of cyber threats is crucial for business safety. Including useful information in the training such as how to recognise unsafe emails, why it’s risky to click on unknown links, and why they should keep confidential business information to themselves is necessary and helpful.

4. Implement a Data Backup Plan 

During a ransomware attack, the cybercriminal withholds your confidential business data to demand a hefty ransom. In such a situation you have two choices – you either to pay the ransom in exchange for your sensitive business information, or resist paying and risk the potential loss of vital information. No matter what option you choose, there are consequences. Furthermore, such an attack can disrupt your daily operations, causing financial losses and damaging your business’ reputation. 

One simple method to save yourself from these casualties is implementing a data backup plan. This becomes necessary with employees accessing company data remotely, as they often use their personal unprotected systems. Collaborating with a managed service provider like Redpalm to routinely back up data to an offsite location will help you handle a ransomware attack without disrupting your operations. 

Contact Redpalm for Protection Against Ransomware Attacks and Other Prevalent Cyberthreats!

Implementing protective measures is important to safeguard your business’ remote work environment from ransomware attacks. The loss is huge and can include sensitive data leaks, significant financial setbacks, and operational disruptions. 

Seeking assistance from qualified IT professionals, such as those at Redpalm, proves to be one of the most effective ways to tackle these threats. Our experienced IT experts, based in Northampton, assist businesses in developing robust cybersecurity solutions to prevent cyber attacks. Our proactive approach prevents disruptions down the line.

We also offer services like hybrid IT, cyber security essentials, and technology procurement, ensuring your business runs securely and smoothly. Explore our services on our website or contact us to schedule an appointment and learn more!