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3 Benefits of Implementing an Identity and Access Management System

Today, businesses face various threats, especially because many of them work online. Due to this, these businesses need to focus on having proper cyber security to protect sensitive data and information. 

One of the most critical components of any organisation’s strategy is identity and access management (IAM). This is the process of collecting and identifying workers and owners in the organisation and controlling access based on that information.

In other words, if you’re looking to protect sensitive information, IAM ensures that only a certain amount of people can access the data. It’s crucial to have a solid IAM system because it will allow you to gain control over managing user accounts, permission, and access to specific data. 

Due to this, we recommend taking the help of the experts at Redpalm to set up a solid identity and access management system. This can provide you with many benefits and is a step towards making your business safer and more productive.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of IAM and why you should consider implementing it in your organisation. 

Let’s get started! 

1. Improved Security

One of the biggest benefits of implementing IAM is that it’ll significantly improve your organisation’s security. It helps to provide more centralised control over user accounts, permissions, and access to resources. It ensures that your data is only accessible to authorised individuals, significantly reducing the risk of data leaks. 

IAM also ensures that your organisation can deal with insider threats, one of the biggest threats faced by businesses. A well-organised IAM system will mitigate any risks from insider threats by allowing administrators to revoke access rights from employees who leave the company or change roles. 

On top of that, a solid IAM system  can enforce your employees to conduct practices like changing passwords regularly and creating complex passwords. This massively reduces the chances of hackers gaining access to your system.

If you’re looking to implement a secure IAM system, we recommend taking the help of the experts at Redpalm. We’ve worked with many organisations in Northampton to deliver secure and effective IAM systems. 

2. Increases Productivity 

A well-thought-out IAM system can play a massive role in boosting productivity in your organisation. This is possible because IAM systems help to streamline the process of accessing business resources and applications without much hassle. 

For instance, IAM systems give your business the ability to automate the process of provisioning user accounts. This massively reduces the time and effort it takes to manage these accounts manually. The IAM system also ensures that your employees have access to the resources they need to complete their jobs. 

Identity and access management systems can also provide a single sign-on experience to users. This allows your employees to access multiple applications and data by using a single set of credentials. This means that your employees don’t have to go through the trouble of remembering multiple usernames and passwords. 

Overall, one of the biggest benefits of IAM systems is that they can increase business productivity by ensuring employees can access resources securely. It also ensures that convenience doesn’t come at the expense of your security by avoiding insider threats

3. Reduced IT Costs  

Another advantage of having an IAM system is that it can help to reduce your overall IT costs. A solid identity and access management system will manage user accounts, automate user provisioning and improve your cyber security. This means that you won’t need to invest money and manpower into these aspects of keeping your business secure. 

IAM systems offer self-service options so your employees can take control of their own accounts. They can also carry out changes like resetting passwords, requesting access to additional resources, and more with ease. This massively reduces the burden on IT departments, allowing them to focus on other tasks. 

This ensures that your business can work efficiently without compromising on security. On top of that, if you hire experts like the ones at Redpalm, you can work on introducing other cyber security plans alongside the IAM system. This ensures your business will continue to run smoothly. 

Contact Redapalm for Identity and Access Management Services Today!

There are many benefits of having a solid IAM system and businesses should consider implementing one immediately. However, you need to ensure that the IAM system meets your needs and requirements, or it could lead to a wide range of problems.

If you’re looking to implement an IAM system in your organisation,we recommend taking the help of the experts at Redpalm. Our IT experts have years of experience working with businesses in Northampton, delivering IAM systems that meet their requirements.

We also provide cyber security, technology procurement and hybrid IT services to help your business run effectively. To learn more about us, visit our services page or contact us to book a meeting today!