
Types of Insider Threats To Be Aware In 2022

1 March 2022

Looking out for data breaches is one thing, but there is so much more to understand. The many things that fall under what makes the entire data breach is of utmost importance; one should understand causes and their role to reach a functional solution. 
That’s where the experts at Redpalm are headed; by means of today’s blog, we aim to highlight the little importance given to insider threats. 
A mere understanding of what malicious actors do is not enough; an effective cyber security risk assessment and management need a thorough understanding of the types of insider threats an organisation may face.
Consider this article as your guide, a place where you can learn all about this particular breach. 
Let’s dig in! 

Categories of Insider Threats 

Any insider threat depends on different goals. Out of many, some of the categories are – 

  1. Fraud – the destruction, modification, or threat of data by an insider for deception. 
  2. Sabotage – in this type, the insider deliberately uses their legitimate access for data breaches.
  3. Espionage –  an external threat where the information is being stolen from another organisation. For instance, a competitor or the government 
  4. Intellectual Property Theft – a type where the purpose is to steal a company’s intellectual property, often for resale or to take with them to a new position. 


Common Types of Insider Threats 


  • Negligent Workers 

It is very common for companies to focus their insider threat management programs mainly on addressing insiders with malicious intent; however, negligence is rather more common. 
In simple terms, these types of insider threats take actions that unintentionally put your company at risk. For instance, one of your employees may leave an unencrypted device (mobile or laptop) that has sensitive information unattended, a place where it could easily be stolen. 
This incident, therefore, does not act out of malice but still puts your sensitive data at risk. 

  • Security Breachers 

No matter how large or small the company is, there are multiple security policies and controls designed at all levels of the company processes to help protect the company, its data, and employees. 
Having them in number is often viewed as inconvenient and a hindrance to employee productivity. This leads to employees using security workarounds to make their lives easier. 
A simple example of this type is an employee bypassing rules and saving data files on a personal cloud drive. 
This act can leave a patchy vulnerability to the company while it loses control, leading to data compromise (intentional or otherwise).

  • Departing Employees

Employees that leave your company, voluntarily or especially involuntarily, is another type of insider threat that you may face. Out of the many thefts, data theft is one of the most common, particularly associated with employees that are departing involuntarily. 
The intellectual property, company data generated or used by employees, belong to the company, and it is common for employees to assume their creation to be their property. 
Generally, when an employee gets transferred or promoted, they take data from the previous employee for assistance. This data exchange is called theft, regardless of the reason behind the exchange. 

  • Third-Party Partners 

The term insider threat is meant for company owners to focus on the inside, which leads to losing control over other parts of the company – a part that is not particularly on a payroll. 
When you outsource or even partner with another company or investors, companies tend to share their information and access to networks and their systems. These permissions can very well harm your privacy, posing the same amount of risk as an employee with similar access. 

Say Goodbye to Breaches With Redpalm’s Robust IT Solutions 

Data breaches and theft are the biggest IT issues that can hinder your regular or major company operations. 
Insider thefts can easily reflect upon your business’s overall growth, leading to a complete disaster. When you think of getting a robust IT solution such as cyber security, think of other supporting solutions like an efficient disaster recovery plan for the smooth functioning of your business and creating an e-system that is safe from all angles. 
At Redpalm, we work with you to plan any future issues that could impact your business. 
For more information, contact us today!

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